Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Time

This past week was Thanksgiving which brings good food, drinks, family time and SHOPPING! I must say that I felt a little bit useless this year since I was so busy before hand. I think this is just because last year I hosted and this year I didn't but I still felt like I did nothing. I did make cupcakes and a delicious no-bake pumpkin pie. I also slept until noon on Thanksgiving and didn't even leave the apartment for the drive until almost 1pm!! I did love seeing my nephew this week though, I even got to babysit him for the first official time on Friday while my sister went to work. This was a little interesting since I had gotten up at 3:30am for shopping. I guess I am lucky that he is still a little under the weather so he was pretty chillaxed all day.

I was very disappointed with shopping this year though. I started at Target and only hit JCPenny's after. At target I was very surprised at how few people were there. I didn't wait in line outside I went in at the end of the crowd. I spent about 15 minutes walking around and really didn't find much. The DVD selection was the exact same as last year with maybe 5 new selections and I was highly disappointed with the amount of sweaters that were NOT on sale!! This explains my trip to JCP. I was primarily going there for a pair of boots in the add, but the location I went to had a very limited shoe department and did not have the style I wanted. I did get three sweaters at 60% off, a pink leather wallet and a black and white diamond accent penguin necklace at 70% off. Overall I was pleased that I didn't spend too much money however I got no Christmas shopping done!! What my family wants is too practical and day-to-day stuff to be on Blackfriday add. Oh well, I think next year I will do the four day add before Thanksgiving instead since they seemed to be better deals.

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cupcakes:
1 box spice cake mix
1 cup pumpkin puree, NOT pumpkin pie filling
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup milk
2 cups (1 regular size bag) semisweet chocolate chips

1. Mix all ingredients until smooth
2. Fill 3/4 full and bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes
3. Cool and frost
* I used a store bought cream cheese frosting but a chocolate ganache or buttercream would be good as well.

No Bake Pumpkin Pie:
1 can pumpkin puree
1 large tub coolwhip
1 large box instant vanilla pudding mix
1 tsp cinnamon

1. Combine all ingredients
2. Fill two graham cracker pie crusts
3. Refrigerate 1-2 hours to set
*I also did this in the classroom and instead of using pie crust I just put a scoop of graham cracker crumbs in a paper cup with a scoop of filling on top. The kids loved it and it doesn't have to set up then!

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