Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Thoughts for Tuesday

Today is my second day as a blogger! Yes, I did return. Today I spent a bit of time reading through other peoples' blogs. These are my thoughts:
  1. If you click "Next Blog" at the top of the screen, they seem to be themed...today's must have been Baliwood.
  2. While searching for people with my similar joy of baking I realized that just because they have it listed as an interest means nothing as far as them having baking themed posts...not helpful when looking for cupcake recipes.
  3. I need to find a new way of searching for blogs to follow.
  4. I cannot figure out how to add a picture without it messing up the text under the "About Me" gadget.
  5. I am not nearly as crafty as I thought I was after seeing so many cute blogs.
I also would like to share that during a power outage at school today, one of my penguins (specifically the one on my keyring) disappeared today. This made me very sad and a little worried since this is what occupied my hands to keep me still and keep me sane during class.

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