Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cooking, Baking and Frustration

This weekend was a stressful one. I worked all weekend, with some late night partying, and did hours of homework...yesterday I did homework for 8 hours straight!! I feel a little run down so I am doing something special tonight, making dinner and cupcakes! I love to cook and really love to bake, but I don't get much time for it anymore. When I do get time it's when I'm alone and have no one to cook for...=( Tonight I threw together a chicken recipe, a random creation of mine. I split my chicken breasts and stuffed them with a mixture of rondele cheese spread and prosciutto, then I breaded them w/shake and bake. ( I can't be too fancy here!) I just pulled this out of my head so hopefully it's delicious, although I did make one regular chicken breast just in case!! I will also be making Devil's Food cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting.
A piece of heaven for a way too busy life. I will report on both since I have also never made cream cheese frosting.

I have also decided that anybody who is hired to teach at computer class should be required to show that they can complete the tasks we as students are required to do. My teacher has not been able to answer any of my questions and few class-wide. Creating a website is the most stressful thing I have ever done! We have all of these requirements such as adding external and internal links, having multiple pages, pictures, video, blog ect.... I cannot figure out the internal links and my teacher said she was unsure of how to do it in the software we are required to use (iWeb). This brings me to my second frustration: if you are requiring us to use a special program that most students do not have access to at home and there is limited availability on campus; give us time to do it in class! It is not our fault that as a teacher you are behind as a result of your inability to use the software you are supposed to teach.

Here are the outcomes of my cooking and baking:

And they turned out delicious!

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